I was caught ordering Kebab! |
Family and friends!!
This week has been crazy! I'll just start with the big news I guess. So on Tuesday, the Assistants Anderson and Wilson walk out of a meeting with President Jackson and Elder Anderson tells me that they were going to go down to the temple to pick up Elder Bohne. I replied with "Okay sounds good." Then Elder Anderson continues, "He will come here, you will train him for the rest of the transfer, and then you will be leaving at the end of the transfer." My only reply was "WHAT?!?!" I did not see that one coming. So I have a week and a half to teach Elder Bohne so he can take over on the 27th of this month. He is doing really well though and learning quickly. I do not know where I am going but I am excited to see. I am going to miss this place so much. I honestly have grown to love the office and Alcobendas. I have major mixed feelings about the whole thing. I'll find out tomorrow where my next area will be. Soo crazy!!
The rest of the week has been good. We had a miracle day of all miracle days on Saturday. Everything just seemed to work out and the members were wonderful in the lessons that we had. We found 6 new investigators in one day and we are seeing the blessings of the Lord come to us daily. I can not me more happy and I could not ask more of the Lord. With all of the success that we are having, it is hard to think that I am going to have to leave all of them behind when I leave this area. I have grown so close to the people here and I will miss each and every one of them dearly. We have a good week set up with some great meals planned. It should be a great one! I just love the mission so much. My love for it grows every day. Yeah its hard and difficult, but there is just something about it that I can't get enough of. Now I wish the days were longer. I wish I had more time to spread the gospel and share it with everyone!! I am glad that I still have a lot of time here in Spain and I am just going to do my best to take advantage of every moment. I love you all and I am so grateful for all of the wonderful examples that you have been for me. I know that this Church and it's teachings are true. I know that I am out here serving the Lord and sharing His message. I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Elder Franklyn