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Elder Gentry left for the Canary Islands |
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Elder Ortiz left today to go HOME! |
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Goofing around with a new tie I bought |
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Family and Friends!
Well this past week has flown by but I learned a lot and we worked hard. It was the last week of this transfer and I got the transfer call on Saturday annnnnddddd... I'm staying in El Ferrol, training Elder Nickerl still, and I'm District Leader! I'm pretty excited and a bit nervous to see how it goes but I'm sure it will all work out well.
Well this week was great and on Monday we had a lesson with Rigoberto and just talked about the problems he is having. We kind of just let him vent to us and he said he felt a lot better after. We gave him some council and bore our testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He felt the Spirit as much as we did and I think he is progressing little by little.
On Tuesday we had a more difficult day. It happens... but I think that we as missionaries grow the most on the difficult days. We went out and contacted for a while and then ate with Wendy and Guillermo during lunch. We had a lesson with Gracian too which went bad because he really doesn't want to pray with us. I know how important prayer is and we are trying to help him see that but he is just so shut off its difficult.
Wednesday we went to Santiago for our last Zone Training Conference together as a Zone. Our two Zone leaders are leaving to go home in a week so it was good to see them one last time. They are amazing missionaries and I have learned a lot from them. We got back and had a lesson with Manuel which went good at first but he just doesn't really want to find the truth in what we say. It pains me to see him reject what he knows is true but he still has his agency of course. After we had a family home evening at a recent converts house named Julio and his daughter Amanda. Amanda just sent in her mission papers actually and is waiting to recieve her call! It was a great night though and we felt the Spirit strongly.
Thursday we planned the week and set some good goals for the coming transfer. High hopes! After we had a few people bail on us but still had English class which went really well. Luciano came and 8 or so members came too! It was fun and I had a good time teaching English.
Friday morning we went out contacting and had a little miracle. I asked Elder Nickerl where we should go and we walked and walked and walked and no one wanted to talk to us. We could feel the Spirit guiding us somewhere though and we kept going. Still no one wanted to talk to us until we met a young student named Jaime. We stopped him and he started to talk to us for a bit and we asked him if he would like to meet with us another day. He said "Look..." We thought oh no... he's gunna say no, but then he said "I'll give you my number and you guys can call me so we can meet up another day. The afternoons are best for me." My companion and I were kind of shocked just standing there and it took a minute for us to realized what happened haha. It was just awesome to see and he seemed so interested in our message. It raised my spirits up so much. After we had an awesome lesson with Alex the Dominican and with Angela Estela. They both are really interested and excited to learn more. We ended the night at the Calderon's which was great and they gave us some great food. They are like my family away from my family.
Saturday we had another lesson with Rigoberto in the morning and then went to Ada's to eat. We shared a lesson on the importance of families and Ada cried. She's great but tends to cry alot haha. Then we flew to Victoria's and had an amazing lesson with José the 9 year old. He wants to get baptized and when we went to set a date with him he said "How about... tomorrow at 6?" Haha we still have a bit more to teach him but he has some great desires!! We ended the night with Enrique. We had a really amazing lesson with him too and he has dropped his cigarette number down to 5 a day which is wonderful. We are just trying to build up his faith little by little to get him over those last ones. I felt the Spirit speak through me and teachings were coming to my mind that we didn't even plan. I am growing and learning so much out here.
Yesterday was good. Elder Nickerl had a surprise talk in church and did a good job! Hermana Patricia gave a talk and I cried when she bore her testimony haha. It was amazing. After we ate at Irina's and then found two new investigators named Andrew and Amable. They have some crazy beliefs but are really great men that have a lot of potential. We also had a great lesson with Roger and Soren and Roger really wants to get baptized! Soren is still struggling with believing in the line of authority but we tried to explain and testify the best we could. Little by little.
Well I'm a little stressed out but I think I'll be okay. I am excited for what I am going to learn as District Leader and I'm sure these 6 weeks will fly by even though I want them to slow down. Kinda how life/the mission goes!
Love you all,
Elder Franklyn
ps I heard about JP!! Thats awesome!! Germany!
Also, this weekend we are going to watch General Conference in the chapel in Spanish with the other members. I am really excited for it!!