Saying goodbye to Elder McWhorter
" Some photos by a sweet tree"
Family and friends all over the world!!
Well my new companion is Elder Nickerl from Carlsbad, California and my mom has some pictures so hopefully she will attach them or they'll be on the blog. We are getting along great so far and his spanish is getting better everyday!
Monday we headed off to A Coruña and spent the night there. It was really fun and a tooon of members came to the bus stop to see Elder McWhorter off. Thats when you know you've done a good job.
Tuesday we woke up early and took Elder McWhorter to the train station. He was nervous about getting all the way to the temple safely but he figured it out eventually haha. It was actually pretty sad to see him go. He has been a great companion of mine. After that I worked with the A Coruña elders and we had a good amount of lessons!
Wednesday morning we woke up in A Coruña again and headed to the train station to pick up Elder Nickerl. He seemed a little shocked at first but it was a good day. We had district meeting and met all of the new elders in our district. Elder Fausset is our new district leader and he is such a humble missionary. I'm excited for the next transfer with him! After, we ate at Wendy and Guillermo's, went out contacting for a while and then ate at Irina's for dinner. It was a pretty successful day and we had a few lessons in the street.
Thursday we planned the week which went well and then went to play volleyball with some investigators and memebers for a bit. After, we met a lady named Maria Luz knocking pisos and she seemed really interested in our message and accepted a Book of Mormon. Gotta love the miracles with new missionaries haha. Elder Nickerl was stoked! After we had clase de ingles and then went to Irinas to end the night.
Friday was an awesome day! We had three lessons in the morning and all of them were in the door way with single ladies. Then we went to eat at Wendy's because she invited us again of course haha and we shared a message with them about Jesus Christ. After we went with Wendy's mom, Doli and had two lessons with her friends Roger and Soren! They are Cubans and seem really interested in the church!! After we went out to contact for a bit in this huge building and then ended at Patricia's. She has been having a hard time finding her testimony but that night she was sharing an experience about charity and at the end she said, "I guess thats my testimony" It brought tears to my eyes as she looked at me smiling and almost crying herself. Great night.
Saturday was good as well. Three solid lessons. First with Marlene and Nati came with us again. It went great and she seems excited to continue on. After medio dia we went out contacting for a while and then had a lesson with Daniel finally! He's back to full health and basically has a testimony of the church. He told us he is sick of the Evangelical church and wants to come to ours instead! After we had a great lesson with Luciano and Jose Martinez helped us out. We understands a lot more about repentance and loved the lesson.
Sunday we had a decent amount of people in church which was good and the second hour went great. Elder Nickerl spoke a lot and is learning little by little. After medio dia at Irina's, we went out with Wendy, Guillermo, and Doli to visit Antonio who is sick. We found him in the street actually with his wife and said that he is feeling better. We then went to el Parque Reina Sofia and found some people contacting there with the whole crew working together. After we went to visit a member and found two more people! Guillermo wanted to knock another door and we met Isabela who accepted a Book of Mormon and wanted us to come back and then we met Ani in the street and she also accepted a Book of Mormon and gave us her address and phone number! It was awesome to see Wendy, Guillermo, and Doli bearing their testimonies of the church and explaining our beliefs. It was like we didn't even have to do anything! They are awesome.
Today we are going to play volleyball of course and clean the piso up a little bit. I am excited for this coming week because we will be doing a mission tour in Madrid and I'll be able to see all of my friends!! Love you guys so much and I hope you are all doing great. I'll pray for some rain in California this weekend!!!
Elder Franklyn