Monday, February 17, 2014

Transfers and Castillo de San Felipe!

February 17, 2014

the brownies turned out "great"
Guilermo's Birthday
This is Luciano!

We went to Castillo de San Felipe today...

Well another transfer down in España!

On to transfer 6. My companion is going to the Canary Islands (lucky...) and I will be having another son!!! (Aka training). I am quite excited and will love the chance to show the new elder everything about Spain. It will be exciting! I still have no idea what his name even is so we will find out this Wednesday when we pick him up. Gotta love being a dad!

This week was crazy. On Monday we went and played volleyball and I even got a little skateboarding in!!  A member brought a few boards and I have a video of this sweet ollie and 180 over a cone. I'll never give it up! I'll try and send the video but who knows if it'll work. After we had a noche de hogar with Wendy and Guillermo and then headed to Armando's to eat and share a message.

Tuesday was good! For the morning we went out searching for new investigators. In the afternoon we went to Cedeira which is a local city about 45 minutes away in car with Wendy and Guillermo to visit some less active members. It went really well and we made it back in time to go to Irina's.

Wednesday we had our last district meeting with everyone together which was sad but good. Elder Ortiz., our Zone Leader, came too and got us all excited for the next transfer. After that we came back and went to Juan Jesus' house. He was finally home and was really excited to see Elder McWhorter during his last week. We shared a message and it sounds like he wants to start meeting with us more often. Then we shared a message about the Book of Mormon with Marichú and she enjoyed it but isn't looking to change. After we went to Antonios and had a boooomb lesson about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It went sooo well and I felt the spirit really strongly.

Thursday we planned the first week of the next transfer and then cleaned the piso a ton because it needed it. After that basically everyone cancelled on us so we went out to look for some new investigators. We knocked a tooon of pisos and were quite unsuccessful but thats just part of the experience! We did have clase de ingles though which was fun. We made it into a lesson by watching the restoration video in English.

Friday was rough haha. I laugh because just looking back makes it seem funny. The rain and wind picked up a tooon and for the morning we knocked pisos for a while. We finally found a girl that told us she is okay with listening to us but is about to get baptized with the Jehovah's witnesses annnd another man who has spoken to missionaries before. We will see! After medio dia we had a lesson with Armando and we got him to recommit to come to church. He seemed pretty set and so we decided to pass by on Sunday morning just to help him out a little bit more. Then we had a church Valentine's day activity and had a good time playing games with the kids and eating food.

Saturday we went knocking pisos again of course and were a little successful. At 1:30 we had a lesson with Marlene and it went suuper good! She committed to coming to church and invited her husband to come too! After that we went to Ada's to eat and had a great time. After medio dia we had another branch activity in which we were going to visit less active members to excite them to come to church. Elder McWhorter and I did splits so we could teach two lessons at the same time. We both came back without teaching a lesson because the people weren't home haha. It was fun though and I enjoyed it. Zorkan finally got a phone and so we tried to talk to him too but he was busy.

Sunday was awesome!! We passed by Armando's in the morning and he wasn't even home. Andrew said he left or something. Who knows? Church was great though and we had 97 people in sacrament!! The fullest I've ever seen!! It was branch conference but so many less active members showed up it was great. We ate at Irina's after and then had to go to the hospital to visit a members grandma who is quite sick. We gave her a blessing and she said she felt a lot better. That night we passed by Ada's again to say goodbye and then Wendy's and then Irina's. It was a good night but a little sad!

Today has been awesome! We went to the Castillo de San Felipe and took a bunch of photos and had a great time with Wendy and Guillermo. My mom has the photos so she can put some up. We leave tonight but I think we are going to get one more volleyball sesh in before Elder McWhorter leaves. Sad to see him go but excited for the next transfer!!

Love to you all,
Elder Franklyn

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