
Mis amigos y familiares!
Well the work here in Spain moves on! This coming week is going to be a little tough because Leonardo and Alex got baptized on Saturday!! They were like our best investigators ever haha! They are so awesome though and I feel so blessed to be able to know them let alone be a part of this amazing step they took. This week has been so rewarding! We had the best numbers I have ever had in my mission so far and we continue to see miracles because of our hard work.
Monday was sweeet. After p day ended, we had a great lesson with Daniel and Hermano José Martinez helped us explain the Word of Wisdom. Daniel is now on board and agreed to live the Word of Wisdom. Poco a poco. After we went to Armando's and had some awesome food. He wants to start learning english so we are going to start teaching him a bit. He's awesome. Cubans man...
Tuesday was great. We huuunted down Zorkan and finally had a lesson with him. Its difficult when he doesn't have a phone and his apartment button doesnt work. He promised us he was going to go to church this Sunday with us and we were really excited. He ended up bailing and broke his promise with us buuut I think he's thinking about what we teach a little more. After medio dia we had a lesson with Alex and Leonardo and taught them everything they needed to know before their baptismal interview. They are so prepared and amazing. After we went to Antonio's and had a decent lesson. He wanted to read us this 15 page manifesto from some guy and the vocab was crazy hard and he wouldn't stop haha. We finally got him to calm down for a bit and taught him more about the Book of Mormon. It ended on a great note and he apoligized. He's such a good guy and just wants some friends out there.
Wednesday we had district meeting which was awesome. Elder Miranda personally congradulated us during district meeting because of the hard work we have been doing. Kind of awk but really cool too. After, we had a lesson with Manuel and Jose Martinez helped us out too. We taught him about growing our faith. He seemed to enjoy it. Then we met up with a girl named Juliana and answered some of the questions she had for us about marriage and Mormon life. She liked our answers. Wendy and Guillermo invited us over to eat so we headed over there. Forgot our umbrellas in the apartment and ended up getting dreeeenched like never before that night so Wendy helped us dry our sweaters out haha.
Thursday we planned the week which went good. We set some higher goals and are really trying to push ourselves more and more. After, I headed of to Lugo for an intercambio and stayed there for a day! The bus ride was like 2 hours and it was terrible but the intercambio was awesome. I was with Elder Moyano from Argentina and it reminded me of being with Elder Echegaray again. We worked hard and taught a bit. Lugo is an awesome city too with this really cool wall thing.
Friday I woke up in Lugo, contacted a bit in the morning and then took the bus back to El Ferrol. I had to change in A Coruña and the next bus was in like 30 minutes. I was alone too so it felt weird but I grabbed some food to help with the missing companion anxiety haha. When I got back, we went to work and had a lesson with Armando in Andrew's house and he really liked it. Andrew's other friend, Ismael, was there too and he seems pretty interested. After we had another lesson with Daniel out side of his house and he told us he wants to get baptized and that he knows its the right thing to do!!!!! So stoked!! We set a date for the 2 of February with him and he agreed to come to church. After we went to Patricia and Jose's. We shared a cool spiritual message with them and then they fed us this booomb lasagna that changed my life. They are such an awesome family. We tried to answer all of their questions they had for us and they are just so solid.
Saturday was soo busy!! In the morning we had to set up the font and then fill it up. After we set up a ton of lessons and then went out to search for some more people. We went to Ada's house to eat during medio dia and then had to rush to Wendy and Guillermo's because they were going to go to a lesson with us at 4. We got to the house and they ended up bailing so we went to the chapel and made sure the font was full and warm which it was! Then we booked it to Zorkan's house and waited for him to shower and get ready to go to the baptism with us. Meanwhile people are calling us off the hook and so it was a little stressful but then we headed to the chapel and everything was good. Irina and her family were already there and changing into the baptismal clothes. We got everything set up and then started the baptismal service. It went amaaaazingly well and not one hicup at all. Leonardo bore his testimony after and I started crying while seeing the change that had overcome him since the first time I met him. I don't think I'll ever forget that moment. After everything, we went over to Irina's and had some cake and a bit of food. Then we had to basically run to Ada's house because she invited us over too. We stuffed down some more cake and hot chocolate (which was aamazing) and then booked it over to Wendy's because she invited us to eat dinner haha. We barely finished all the food they gave us and then speed walked back to the apartment barely making it on time haha.
Sunday was awesome. We had the two confirmations in church which went well and I got to confirm Alex! Daniel showed up to church but Zorkan flaked out on us. Luciano ended up coming too even though his phone hasn't been working recently. We had to take down the font in the morning too and clean up some water but there were no problems there. After we went to Irina's and had some boomb food and just hung out and talked with Leonardo. After medio dia we found Adan in his house finally and he said next weekend he would have time. We ended the night contacting and then we had a noche de hogar at Wendy's house which was fun. They always invite us over haha.
Today we are going to play volleyball and futbol with some members and investigators so it should be fun! I am deaad tired everyday but have soo many things pushing me forward. Many of them are all of your examples for me. Thank you all for everything and keep up the good work! I heard Emily is getting baptized and I wanna see some photos!!
Someone tell Brody I love him to death.
Love you all!
Elder Franklyn
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