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el Ferrol |
From the wetlands to the drylands...
I heard about the drought going on in California right now. I hope it starts raining soon and I'll keep all of you guys in my prayers. Lets just say it rains here EVERY SINGLE DAY. I discovered a new kind of rain that they have here too. Imagine a giant mister just misting an entire city all day long and then throw in a ton of crazy wind. Umbrellas are almost pointless and someone stole ours the other day so no big deal. We just come home soaking wet everyday and some nice members help us dry our sweaters sometimes haha. Its all about the experience!
Well Monday was pretty good. We went and played volleyball with a ton of members and then invited a ton and a few investigators to a noche de hogar (family home evening). It turned out really good and every one enjoyed it alot! After we went to Armando's like always and we taught him some Spanish while he cracked jokes haha. Oh we invited him to be baptized as well as a joke and he busted up laughing haha. He's awesome.
Tuesday was rough. We tried to call every one to set up some lessons and no one could. We contacted in the morning but literally didn't receive anything. After medio dia, Daniel bailed on us and then we went to a really old members house name Teresa. She is hailed as the grandmother of the missionaries and she is in her 80's now. She is really great though and we had fun and shared a message with her. She is super strong.
Wednesday we had the Zone meeting in Santiago which was awesome. Elder Sargent, who was in the MTC with me, is up here in my zone now so it was good to see him. After we had a lesson with an eternal investigator named Enrique who is really awesome. He has such a strong testimony but just doesn't feel like he ever received an answer that the church is true. In a few weeks he will break the record for the person with the most time as an investigator in all of Spain. After we had a lesson with Manuel, the other eternal investigator, and invited him to be baptized. He said yes but he still will not decide when. After that we had a lesson in the hallway with Zorkan who apparently stepped on a nail on Saturday night and that's why he couldn't come to church. Bummer. Then we went to Antonio's with Wendy and Guillermo and they talked to him about geneology. It went okay.
Thursday was decent. We planned the week which went well. We went outside to go contacting and no one was there so we went to see if anyone was playing volleyball and there were a few investigators there so we hopped in for a little. After we had english class and a random lady walked in and told us she wanted to know more about the church! We had a lesson and explained some stuff. She didn't seem too interested but liked what we said. That night we went to Irina's and taught Leonardo a bit. Elder McWhorter had recently gotten his hair cut and Irina told him that he should shave it all off and feed it to the dogs because she didn't like it hahaha. She's awesome.
Friday was pretty good. Wendy invited us to eat with them during medio dia which was fun. After that we had a lesson with Luciano in the chapel and Jose Martinez helped us explain a few important things. After we went to Patricia's and had a great lesson with them. They fed us some food too which was awesome and we taught them some English too because they want to move to Canada apparently!! They are really awesome.
Saturday morning we saw a little miracle. Wendy's mom had to go to the hospital and they said that she was going to be there for at least 2 or 3 days for certain reasons and she wanted us to give her a blessing. We walk in and talk to her for a bit and then give her a blessing. Immediately after we finish, the doctors walk in and they were going to check her out. When she came back they told us that she could go home immediately and that everything was fine! I was overcome with the Spirit and may have shed a tear in that hospital hallway. After, Wendy and Guillermo dropped us off at Andrew's and we had a lesson with Armando which went okay. Then we went to Ada's and had some bomb food with them and shared a message. After that we went contacting in the street for a while and has two lessons in the street which were good. That night we had a noche de hogar with a less active member named Flor at Wendy's house which went great. We had a lot of fun and they are so awesome. We finally met Guillermo's dad too and he is a crack up! An old washed up ship captain who speaks some English. Soo cool.
Sunday was pretty rough. Church was good and we had a few investigators in church but after, everyone was just bailing on us. It rained all night and we were in the street for almost the whole night haha. We were soaked! We gave a blessing to one of our members grandmothers in the hospital which was good and Wendy of course invited us over for dinner which was great. We worked hard though!
Today we are going to play volleyball again with the members and we are going to try and start and end with a prayer and throw in a little spiritual message so its more spiritual. Wish us luck!
Well I'm signing out from the rainy north of Spain. And I'll end with the same phrase that I end every single journal entry I write...
Until next time,
Elder Franklyn
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