Friends and Family!!!
Well this week has been difficult but also really good. I have learned alot and am really enjoying my time up here in Galicia! It rains a ton and there is a lot of wind too, but I am loving it here. We honestly have some of the best members I've met! Besides you guys :)
Well I have my agenda today so I have a little bit more information haha.
On Monday we straight up slept for like 2 or 3 hours because we were so dead which felt great. After we contacted some referrals we had received and went to a member's house named Armando (also Cuban) to eat. We shared a message with them and it went great!
On Tuesday we finally found Zorkan (another Cuban) at home and had a great lesson with him about Joseph Smith. He's struggling with quitting smoking but knows its bad for him. After we had a lesson with Daniel in the street and we hit hard on coming to church. He agreed to do so but ended up not being able to come on Sunday. Poco a poco. After we had a lesson with Leonardo who is amazing and set a baptismal date for the 18 of January. We teach him in English because he is just awesome and he's beginning to become a good friend of ours. We joke around a lot haha.
Wednesday we had district meeting which was awesome. For those of you who remember back to my first transfer, Elder Miranda was serving in Toledo when I was in Fuenlabrada. He's now in Lugo up here and is our new district leader!! He's an awesome elder and a really hard worker. After medio dia we had a lesson with Flor, a newbie, which went well. She loves listening but doesn't have too much interest in acting. Later on we had a lesson with Antonio! He is awesome and still comes to church every week which is wonderful. He has a ton of deep questions about stuff and so we are trying our best to answer all of them.
Thursday we planned the week and set a new goal to speak only spanish 24/7. I'm loving it and learning a ton more everyday! Its hard a times but once I start thinking in spanish more it gets a lot easier. After medio dia we went to a member's house named Andrew from Nigeria and taught his roommate, Armando. He has a problem with drinking but basically knows that the Book of Mormon is true which is awesome! After we had English class which went awesome! Luciano, a reference from the street, came and Elder McWhorter taught him about the Restoration in english while I taught the class. Aparently he loved it and ended up coming to church on sunday with his wife! His english is good too. After, we had a lesson with Leonardo again and he basically explained what resurrection is to us haha. He's awesome.
Friday was good/hard/fun all mixed together. In the morning we had a lesson with Zorkan about the word of wisdom and a member, Jose Martinez, came with us! It went good. We looked for people all morning but couldn't find anyone. After medio dia we continued to search and set appointments but it was rough. At 7 we had a lesson with a girl that we met on the bus to A Coruña on Wednesday. Her name is Juliana and she's from Columbia and speaks perfect english. Well basically she's 24 and really pretty so we've gotta watch out but she seems semi interested. After that, we went to Patricia and Jose's and had a good lesson with them. They fed us some food too and want to make it an every Friday thing!
Saturday was busy!! In the morning we helped some members clean the chapel and then set up lessons for the afternoon. During medio dia we visited a less active members house, Ada and Jose, and shared a message and ate with them. After that we met up with Wendy and had a lesson with Kenry and Kadir which went really well. After that, we met up with Guillermo and the four of us went to Naron, a nearby town, and had a lesson with John Alexander and his girlfriend came in too! Turns out they aren't married and so we taught about eternal marriage and the law of chastity which actually went really well. Then, they dropped us off at Luciano's house and we had a lesson with him, his wife, and his daughter which went amazingly well and they committed to come to church. Then we RAN to Wendy and Guillermo's house and had a lesson with Wendy's bro and sister who are less active members and they fed us food!! It was really good and we speed walked back home to make it on time. I was dead!
Sunday was a great day to end a great week. John Alexander and his wife and Luciano and his wife all came to church! It was exciting to see all of them there and they have a lot of potential. During medio dia we were at Irina's and had a blast. We went back to the apartment to sleep for a sec and then went back there and had a great lesson with Leonardo. He explained tithing to us in english!. We set a date for his interview and he is gold. After medio dia we met up with Jose Martinez and had another lesson with Flor. It went pretty good and she said she is going to read the Plan of Salvation pamphlet. A few other people cancelled us and so Wendy called us up and invited us over to have a family home evening with them. We had some churros and chocolate milk, talked about some scriptures, and then played a card game. They are awesome!
Today has been a great day as well! Wendy and Guillermo invited us to go see some waterfalls here close by and so we had a great time with them. I'll attatch some photos! We have a few lessons set up for tonight which should be great!
I have learned soo much here in Spain and I continue to learn a ton every day. I am so excited for this work and know that success only comes through hard work and obedience. I love you all and thank you for all of your support! I am praying for all of you and hope the best comes to you!
Keep it up out there!
Elder Franklyn
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