There's this ice cream shop called Tino's and it is fantastic. Ice cream shops are not very common here in Spain. |
Elder Ward explaining that he was going to play the piano blind. He killed it.
Our great friend Andres directed the whole night and it was great.
.JPG) |
During our mission leadership council, Elder Ward, Hermana Fuller and I
happened to throw together a few hymns in a guitar/piano trio. It was
really fun! I played background music in our skit in the talent show as
well. | | |
On Saturday we had a Ward Talent Show that went really well! A lot of people showed up!
Oh but the second photo is our FHE program white board.
This is us at Family Home Evening playing musical chairs!
Elder Ward playing the piano with our great friend and recent convert Enrique in the background.
This is our awesome ward mission leader named Segundo. His full name translates to Second Shoelaces. He is great. |
And my amazing parking job I did the other day. I had to take a picture of it.
A great picture of Jesus Christ next to my desk. |
Elder Ward and I! |
Here is President Jackson's desk. This is where they decide all of the transfers and everything.
honestly don't know how they let us take this photo but yes, this is
President and Hermana Jackson sword fighting in the office.
Here is my view most of the day. That's Elder Chapple in the background, a senior couple that works in the office with us. |
And yeah thats President Jackson wielding a sword made in Toledo.
Aaaand Hermana Trone and Hermana Hillman. They serve here in Alcobendas with us. |
Here's our awesome van that I drive sometimes! Its stick and so Elder Ward is working on his driving.
A classic round about here in Alcobendas. They are every where! |
Aaand Elder Ward in the street. Yes, he's reaaally tall. |
Here's a normal street in Spain. Looks a lot like Fuenlabrada.
Some more great pictures of us missionaries.
Hermana Trone and Hermana Bennett at a Zone Training Meeting!
Here's our zone!
Well this week has been good and
a little hard, but mostly good. Looking back on it, it was a really long week but
there were a lot of highlights too.
of all, we had our mission leadership meeting!! I planned everything
out and had to take a few trips to the airport and train station to pick
everyone up but it went really well! We had the same thing right when I
got to the office but this one went a lot smoother. I think I'm
starting to understand my job a bit!! On Wednesday we had Zone Training
Meeting which went really well! My zone leaders are Elder Miranda, who
was my district leader in the north, and Elder Davis, who started in the
MTC with me! They are both great missionaries and the Spirit was really
strong during the meeting. On Thursday we had the opportunity to go to a
senior home and sign hymns to them which was awesome! We have a member
who stays there and it was so much fun. I wish I would have taken
pictures!! Our investigators are doing well. Guillermo is doing good and
still excited for his baptismal date! Vladimir has been doing well too
and we are trying to help him get ready. But another great event of the
week... The Talent Show!!! It was on Saturday evening and it was soo
much fun. Our investigator Vladimir came and he loved it. We did a
skit/musical called "Dear John" which was hilarious. I'll try and get it
to you all some how but it was awesome. I played the guitar too! It was
a memorable night to say the least.
On Sunday we saw an amazing miracle that I want to tell you all. So
I sit down in church and two girls come and sit down next to me and I
didn't recognize them at all. Elder Ward was playing the piano (he's
amazing at the piano by the way) and so I couldn't ask him if he knew
who they were. The meeting starts and everything is going well. Right
before the sacrament started, I heard one of the girls tell her friend
that was sitting right next to me a little about Jesus Christ and the
sacrament. I thought that the one sitting next to me must be new. So the
sacrament starts and after taking the bread, I closed my eyes and said a
little prayer just asking Heavenly Father to help this girl next to me
have a good experience at church and have the desires to learn more and
to come back. After the meeting ended, she got up and went to the
bathroom. The other girl that was there started talking to some members
and I found out that she was a less active member of the church. She
told me that she would introduce me to her friend from work. She came
back from the bathroom and we started talking a bit. Turns out her name
is Lucy and she is from Bulgaria and she has two little kids! She came
to church by invitation of her friend from work but also was really
interested in the message that our church has. I explained a little bit
about who we are and what we do as missionaries. I took down her number
and she even stayed for the second hour. It was an amazing experience in
which every little thing that I asked from Heavenly Father was given to
me. I went back and thought about what I said in that prayer and
literally everything that I asked for was given to me. I know that
prayer is real and that it really does have power. I know that Heavenly
Father is listening to us and that he really wants to bless us. Experiences
like these strengthen my testimony of the church and of our Heavenly
Father. I know that the Church is true and that we are all children of a
loving Heavenly Father. Keep up the good work wherever you are in the
world and remember that He is always there!
Love you all,
Elder Franklyn
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