I'll miss Elder Nickerl |
My companions |
Wendy y Guillermo |

Everything is going really great but it is so weird at the
same time!! I am down here in the Mission Office at Alcobendas sitting at my own personal
computer... Haha! it is great though and I am already learning so much.
I am excited
to work with some amazing missionaries here. Leaving El Ferrol was hard, like leaving my family, but I know
that this is where the Lord wants me to be right now. A group of the
Ferrol members walked me to the train station yesterday to say goodbye and I could
feel their love for me strongly. They are so great and I will miss them all so much.
Anyway... this week was great!! Two exciting things that
happened are that we have 2 firmly set baptismal dates for this
Saturday in El Ferrol! I am not going to be there buuuut I am really
excited about it. Jose is finally ready and agreed to his date and Angel
is set on getting baptized.
Miracle... We went to teach Angel about the Word of Wisdom,
basically the lesson that we were most worried about, and he didn't have
a problem with a single one of them!!! That lesson was so spiritual and
I had to hold my self back from crying.
The members threw me a going away party on Friday which was
really awesome! They are just the best. We ate and had a great time.
Goyos came with Irina as well.
On Thursday we had a lesson
with Goyos and it was going really great and he accepted the invitation
to be baptized!!! I am just so excited to have been able to get to know him and
teach him. I can't wait for that family to get to the Temple!
On Saturday the branch had a barbecue and we went for a little
bit and helped bring stuff there. It was really fun and Hermana Dolly
and Hermana Patricia made some amazing chicken. It was a blast.
Over these past few weeks, Elder Schmidtlein, Elder Nickerl and I have
grown a lot closer. I have learned so much from them about missionary
work and I am so grateful to have known them and served along side them
in this wonderful cause. I have larger mountains to climb up ahead but
I've got my equipment ready to go and I can't wait to start the journey.
I am embarrassed to say this but I am going to quote some Miley Cyrus
here and say that its not about getting to the top. In the Gospel, the
top is perfection. I doubt I'll ever get there but the important part is
"the CLIMB." I love you all! Thank you for all that you are doing to
hasten the work in your parts of the world. Keep it up!!
Elder Franklyn
P.S. I hope you guys don't think I'm a "climber." That was a quote to talk about working hard and gaining experience haha!
P.S. Hunter's coming to Madrid?!?! That is so exciting! If I'm here for a while, I'll
be picking him up!
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